Proceedings of the Sixth International Permaculture Conference

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These Proceedings are a collation of submitted papers, presentation transcriptions and presentation reports that cover most of the sessions presented at the Sixth International Permaculture Conference, held in Perth, Western Australia, from September 24 to October 4, 1996.

A very small number of sessions are not included here because neither papers, recordings nor reports were available. I apologize for these omissions.

The structure of the Proceedings is as follows:

  • Conference keynote presentations, arranged in order of delivery.
  • Conference subject streams presented in alphabetical order of stream name. Within each stream, presentations are arranged in alphabetical order of the lead author’s name.
  • Field trip reports, arranged in alphabetical order of title.

Whilst participating in IPC6 and, later, collating the material for the Proceedings, it became evident that permaculture has come a long way since IPC5. The depth and quality of projects and research, as represented by the various papers, transcriptions and reports, demonstrates that permaculture has matured. As you read and digest the following chapters, I am sure that you will agree.

I am also sure that you will be inspired to continue with whatever permaculture activities you are currently undertaking or planning. Please remember to document your efforts and share them with the global permaculture community; the need for practical, experiential information is urgent. Time is running out and, by the time IPC7 is held, permaculture will need to be demonstrably main-stream!

Peter Austin, Editor
May, 1997

As may be expected, the process of compiling and editing these proceedings has required assistance from numerous people.

Pat Dare has been instrumental in coordinating the whole process and has provided invaluable assistance with the tedious tasks of chasing authors for papers, locating missing photographs and diagrams, arranging proof-readers and transcribers, obtaining quotes for printing, and keeping the editor motivated.

Thanks must also be extended to Pat Scott for session transcriptions and proof-reading; Julie Woodman, Margaret Sampey, Linda Riccio and Debbie Bail for proof-reading; Lynette Mattys for the typing of papers.

Finally, thanks to all of the people who contributed material, in particular the volunteers who wrote reports: Jane Cousins, Aidan Davison, Alex Kington, Cathryn Kohn, Iswari, Joanne Wilkes, Julie Webb, Laura Webb, Leah Patrick, Lani Nash, Leonie McMahon, Liam Cranley, Lyz Hobbs, Margaret Howe, Natalie Winslow, Peta Christensen, Surry Widdows, Terri Armstrong, and Brett Dahan.

The complete Conference Proceedings can also be downloaded (13.2MB PDF).