Integrating Animals in an Urban Permaculture Design

Integrating Animals in an Urban Permaculture Design


10:00 am - 11:30 am

Event Type



Join Amy, a registered veterinary nurse and wildlife carer, to discuss and learn about how animals can be an integral part of your permaculture set up in an urban environment.

Topics covered include:

  • considerations for the urban garden when incorporating animals into designs,
  • benefits, pitfalls and deliberations of animals in an urban setting,
  • ideas for smaller scale urban farming (ie tiny blocks, balcony gardens, or when traveling in caravans or campers),
  • the impact and considerations for avian influenza.

There will be time for Q and A.

PermacultureWest members’ tickets are discounted to $5 and non-members are $10. To become a member and avail of the discounted tickets, go here.

About Amy Tyers

Amy Tyers is relatively new to Permaculture, having completed her PDC in 2019 then founding her “covid garden”. A registered veterinary nurse, volunteer wildlife carer, pilates and yoga instructor for over 20 years, she has integrated the permaculture principles into her lifestyle and embraced biodiversity with many animal species. Chickens, ducks, guinea fowl, rabbits, quails, and ferrets combine with native wildlife, slowly becoming a complete ecosystem within her 770 sqm suburban block in Cockburn, Western Australia. It has become a haven for local insects, birds and the occasional lizards and quenda amongst the primarily concrete jungle surrounds, with sustainable water and power. She lives with her two sons (4 and 6) as a single mum and lives as frugally and consciously as she can.