Tanvier Fowler

Convenor (convenor@permaculturewest.org.au)
Marketing & Promotion (news@permaculturewest.org.au)

I first learnt about Permaculture from a magazine, The International Permaculture Journal, when I was a young undergrad student studying Botany and Zoology. It fitted in rather nicely with my ideas on how to live a meaningful life and I eagerly devoured each new edition. I found myself a copy of ‘Introduction to Permaculture’ and my creativity found direction.

Years later I made a study of Holmgren’s “Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability” and, for me, this was a breakthrough in being able to explain to others what I was doing. I was reluctant to study a PDC, the cost was prohibitive, and I struggled with the exclusivity inherent within that. I eventually did a PDC online, then one in person before the international convergence in India. For me integrating holiday, travel and education is the way to go.

I feel at home within Permaculture, it continues to keep me afloat with ideas, buoyant in the face of the changes happening in our world. At the same time, it grounds me. When I read the landscape and work instinctively alongside the diversity of life that I am connected to, I am fully in the present.

I am happy to help and enjoy promoting the uptake of Permaculture in WA.