
Just a reminder of what we are here for and why you should consider joining us:

PermacultureWest is the state support group for a decentralised movement of local permaculture groups. We encourage local groups to cooperate and help them to learn self-organising skills. Our intent is to build local and regional resilience through permaculture promotion, design and action.

PermacultureWest makes 50% of your membership fee available to your local group to help fund activities during the year. So please find and join your local group OR consider starting a new group in your area (you only need 10 people). A list of current local groups can be found here.

Why join? Apart from getting that warm glow of being part of PermacultureWest:

  • PermacultureWest is run by volunteers and, with no outside funding, we are independent and represent you, so we all chip in to make that work. We would love any volunteer capacity or skills you have to offer.
  • If you are a regular member of a local group, half of your membership fees will go to that group for their own use. You (and other nominated attending members of your family) will be covered by PermacultureWest insurance at you local group’s events and, similarly, your local group’s events will be covered by PermacultureWest.
  • We can spread the permaculture word further via our website, bi-monthly webinars, public lectures, Facebook presence and with stalls at relevant events – this means Zoom subscriptions, signage, handouts, props, a marquee and a lot more that squeezes into a trailer.
  • We can continue to assist affiliated unincorporated not-for-profit community organisations with accessing funding for their activities by acting as an auspicor.
  • By joining, we can see where there are a number of members in an area that doesn’t yet have a local group, and help get a new group going.
  • You received discounted prices for PermacultureWest events.
  • You have access to member-only services on the PermacultureWest website. At present these services include Discussion Forums, the ability to comment on published articles, and the ability to update your membership details.

Annual membership fees are:

  • $10 unwaged or concession card
  • $30 waged

You can elect to pay your membership fee via either PayPal or Bank Transfer. If you elect to pay by Bank Transfer, upon submitting the Membership form you will be sent an email containing bank details and your membership will be flagged as “pending” until payment is received.

  • Your email address, phone & mailing address are never shared with other groups, and only a handful of dedicated volunteers have access to them as needed.
  • Membership is valid for 1 year from the date of submitting the Membership Form. Renewal reminder emails will be sent as you get close to your membership expiry date.
  • Membership is available to individuals/families, but not to corporations or businesses. A membership fee covers the whole family and partners residing at the same location as nominated on the form and signing attendance sheets etc.
  • Additional donations are welcome, but not tax deductible.
  • Online registration is required. All correspondence, newsletters and membership activities will be exclusively online so you will need an email address. Try your library if you don’t have a computer or the internet at home.
  • Small local businesses that would appeal to our membership are encouraged to contact us and, if appropriate, will be listed/supported in our Permaculture Services Directory.