Margaret River

Our new group aims to share edible garden ideas & get active to create a more sustainable Shire!

We want to focus on Permablitzes, a backyard blitz based on permaculture design and ethics. They are free, fun gatherings that are open to everyone in the community. The idea is simple – let’s help each other grow food in our backyards.

First-time gardener or veteran vegetable grower, everyone has something valuable to offer – whether it’s time, energy, or different skills… Together we can create a more sustainable way of living.

Imagine what you could achieve with a crew of happy helpers lending a hand at your place. The Permablitz initiative is based on reciprocal support, so after you’ve volunteered in other gardens, we can help you organise a Permablitz in your garden! All under guidance of a certified Permaculture Designer.

Please join us via our Facebook page, or our website (, or send us an email ( Look forward to blitzing with you!