If you’re interested in Permaculture and would like to further your knowledge then it’s a good idea to know what education is available. PermacultureWest does not directly run any courses but we work with educators around WA.
If you’re comfortable doing a bit of research and applying plenty of trial and error, this is a great option and, thanks to the Internet, there are plenty of resources out there about Permaculture. Our Resources section should help get you started. It’s also a good idea to get in touch with other local permies so join up with your local group.
This is typically a 2-day workshop combining an overview of Permaculture and some hands-on workshops. This is the ideal course for people new to Permaculture, who want a better understanding of Permaculture as a whole and take away some practical skills.
The PDC was devised by Bill Mollison, one of the founders of Permaculture, as the way to spread knowledge about Permaculture. It’s an intensive 72 hour course typically over 10 days and usually available both full-time (2 weeks) or part-time (weekends).
A PDC covers all major subject areas of Permaculture and leaves the graduate with the tools to start doing their own designs and applying permaculture principles in their lives. Most courses combine theory, practical exercises, individual and/or group projects (design and part-implement) and site visits which I think most PDC graduates would agree is over all too quickly!
It was always intended that, after a number years practicing as a designer, PDC graduates could also become teachers themselves. Hence spreading Permaculture further and further.
This course is highly recommended and can literally be a life changer. You can take the skills gained and apply them in your own backyard, your business, or even take a change in career direction and become a permaculture practitioner.
PDC Course Outline
- Introduction
- Principles of Design
- Patterns in Design
- Landscape & Climate
- Soils
- Water
- Buildings
- Alternative Energy Sources & IT
- Waste Recycling
- Plants & Trees
- Animals
- Aquaculture
- Techniques
- Networking
In July 2003 the first nationally accredited qualifications in permaculture were approved by the Australian National Training Authority (ANTA). The new training, known as Accredited Permaculture Training (APT™), is owned and administered by Permaculture International Ltd.
There are five qualifications on offer under APT:
- Certificates I, II, III & IV in Permaculture, and Diploma of Permaculture.
- Certificate I and II are suitable for beginners and are currently offered in secondary schools.
- Offering these qualifications would also be suitable for community organisations.
- Certificates III to Diploma are offered as tertiary education through registered training organisations and TAFEs.
- A Permaculture Demonstrator Skill Set of only four units is also available.
Completing a Permaculture Design Course (PDC) before starting accredited training is recommended but not required. APT™ has been designed to recognise and build on current training in permaculture, including the PDC.
More information on APT, qualifications and course contents is also available on the Permaculture Australia website.
In Western Australia, accredited training is offered by Skills Strategies International in partnership with the Permaculture Educators Alliance and South Regional TAFE (Cert III only).