Local Groups Coordinator (localgroups@permaculturewest.org.au)
Julie has been interested in Permaculture for a number of years, completing her PDC in 2013 and getting involved in the NAPES local group hosting and attending workshops.
Permaculture fits well with her interests in sustainable living and Transition Towns. Julie has been involved with Transition Town Stirling since it’s inception and has helped run the Groat Street Festival, Mulburry Festival and Community Sustainable Fair in the Stirling area. The establishment of Repair Café Doubleview some 5 years ago is another highlight.
Throughout this time Julie has lived in Gwelup but is now moving to Bassendean and is planning on getting involved in various community groups there, as well as establishing a new, albeit smaller, garden. Cycling is also an interest and she has completed 2 extended trips across Europe.