Secretary (

Permaculture was a natural progression for me after completing both the Earth Carer’s and Living Smart courses.
Like most people, I was hugely inspired (and also exhausted and brain dead!) by my first PDC in 2011, which is when I became a member of PermacultureWest.
After attending another PDC in 2015, I went to my first Australasian Permaculture Convergence which was held in Penguin, Tasmania that year (APC12). Somehow I got roped into then being on the organising committee for APC13, which was held in Perth in 2016.
With Ross Mars as the main tutor, I completed the Cert III of Permaculture in 2018, which is when I also joined the PermacultureWest committee, initially as a general member.
Serving as the Secretary of the PermacultureWest committee is my way of giving back to permaculture.