Seedy Sunday – Seed Saving Zoom Session

Seedy Sunday - Seed Saving Zoom Session


10:00 am - 11:30 am

Event Type



PermacultureWest is excited to bring you another series of online workshops for 2022 starting this March. In collaboration with some of our permaculture educators in WA, we hope to inspire and spread permaculture living skills to as many individuals, households and communities and encourage everyone to put it into action.

This first workshop, Seedy Sunday, is relevant for the current season and all year round. Presented by Karlee Bertola, who is extremely passionate in seed saving, growing food and sharing knowledge, the online workshop will cover:

  • Why we save seeds.
  • How to save seed from harvesting, drying, threshing, cleaning to storage.
  • Techniques to ensure you are saving quality seed.
  • Vegetables and their characteristics when it comes to seed saving.
  • Seed Industries.
  • Useful resources.
  • Q & A time.

We shouldn’t run low in seed supply and overwhelm the seed companies if we have seeds save in our homes and in our local seed networks ( ie local permaculture groups). Share this online workshop with your family, friends, neighbours and local groups.

Tickets are discounted to $5 for PermacultureWest financial and life members and $10 for non-members. Register through this link A zoom link will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.

About the presenter – Karlee Bertola

Myself and my partner own King River Avocadoes. In my ‘spare’ time I lecture in organic horticulture at South Regional TAFE. I Studied at UWA completing a Bachelor of Science in Restoration Ecology, going on afterwards to work in Sustainable agriculture at the Gillami centre in Cranbrook and then at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), setting up horticultural trial sites and benchmarking properties for Aboriginal Landholders. While at DPIRD I completed a Diploma of horticulture and Certificate IV in Training and assessment, moving on to teach at South Regional TAFE.

I have an extreme passion for growing food and sharing knowledge. I have become a serious seed saver, saving my own seed for the last 8 years. I did my Permaculture Design Certificate at FairHarvest in Margaret River (highly recommended) and have just completed my Certificate IV in Permaculture.

And in the rest of my spare time I am an artist, which isn’t much these days ☺ Check out my Instagram and Facebook Pages.