
A collection of articles that describe aspects of people’s journey with permaculture.

Geese Integrated into a Certified Biodynamic Farming System

We  started farming 26 years ago, with 3 young boys playing in the dirt. The farm has been certified Organic/Biodynamic for 24 years. … Our main hurdle was always kikuyu grass competing with the newly planted  vineyard and avocado trees. Geese have been the solution and have so many benefits for our farm.

Warm Life-ing

by Fiona Brooks
Four years ago I fell into a rabbit hole of Warm Data and Batesonian theory. I was about to say “it started with an unexpected walk with a friend of a friend”, but of course it started well before that…

Julimar Permies

by Helen Harvey
When we began our Julimar gardening journey in 2008, we had a bucket, a shovel and, very luckily, a dam full of water. That was July and by September we had upped our game as we realised this was crowbar country as the clay dried out and turned to something like concrete…