Jenny – Restoring Hope Through Permaculture
by Simmone Sache
Jenny is always learning, improving, and sharing her enthusiasm for permaculture. Her positivity is infectious, but she also brings thoughtful reflections on navigating difficult times…
by Simmone Sache
Jenny is always learning, improving, and sharing her enthusiasm for permaculture. Her positivity is infectious, but she also brings thoughtful reflections on navigating difficult times…
by Simmone Sache
Peter has been a part of PermacultureWest since 1988, making him one of the longest-serving members. Over the years, he’s held almost every committee role and currently serves as both Treasurer and Membership Coordinator.
by David Brown
No topic is more central to permaculture than this one, especially when we consider the two aspects of system and diet. After discussing Earth Health, Permaculture as a Hunter-Gatherer System, and Human Health, David presents his Conclusions.…
by Araluen Hagan
When we eat fermented foods, we eat the beneficial bacteria – the probiotics – that the food contains. This is important because we need a diverse population of bacteria in our digestive system for optimal health…
WA Permaculturalist Geoff Tonkin was recognised as a Permaculture Elder at the recent Australian Permaculture Convergence in South Australia.
The teeming zillions.Two species of shrimp-like copepods, 1 to 2 mm long, are perfectly adapted to life in a rainwater pool along with other microfauna. Although closely related they all thrive together because each...
An excerpt from David Holgren’s article The Problem is the Solution: but solutions can turn back into (the same old) problems.
Jeff Nugent has recently released a couple of videos on YouTube featuring Rosemary Morrow.
by Bronwyn Chompff-Gliddon
I really enjoyed attending this event, and congratulate the Community Gardens organisers for putting it together.
by Tanvier Fowler
You can’t work on an empty stomach!
This is a principle that I feel is easy for most people to understand, especially in designing gardens. How do we translate it into social permaculture? What is a more appropriate slogan?