
What’s happening in the permaculture space.

Looking for Webinar Presenters

For nearly 3 years, PermacultureWest has presented a series of webinars to share knowledge from some of the fantastic people in our community…

Vale Dr Ross Mars

by Noala Degasperis

As many of you already know, we lost a giant of permaculture in Western Australia, and the world, last Thursday – Dr Ross Mars.

New Children’s Book

by Shani Graham
Hiya Permies – Shani here from Ecoburbia. For those of you who don’t know us we are part alternative urban infill development and community (8 people live here under the footprint of the original house), part urban farm (think chickens, goats and a big veggie patch), part sustainable housing retrofit (think original old 1970s brick Italianate 3 by 1), part sustainable education business (we run workshops and courses everywhere!) and part passionate developers of geographic community (proud members of the West Beacy Bunch).

Awesome Gathering of Members

by Bronwyn Chompff-Gliddon
We began with a shared lunch, which was very well catered for with marvellous talents on show from all the contributors. However, the wonderful didn’t stop at the food. The weather was perfect for sitting in the sunshine while we ate…

Food Forest for Vincent!

By Tanvier Fowler
It seems that Food Forests are difficult to establish in Perth. I was very happy when Transition Town Vincent (TTV) contacted me in March about finding PDC graduates to help them with their new community food forest…

Kwoorabup Commons Cooperative

by Charlie Mgee
Some of you more seasoned permies may remember Living Waters Permaculture in Kwoorabup/Denmark, which was an important part of WA permaculture in the Great Southern for over 20 years…