
Julimar Permies

by Helen Harvey
When we began our Julimar gardening journey in 2008, we had a bucket, a shovel and, very luckily, a dam full of water. That was July and by September we had upped our game as we realised this was crowbar country as the clay dried out and turned to something like concrete…

West Toodyay Community Tree Planting

By Nicole Coleman
Last year, the Wheatbelt Natural Resource Management Inc offered small grants to landholders to improve ground cover and on-land fodder options for livestock. A neighbour (Anita) and I decided to submit a joint application…

Pickled Beetroot Recipe

By Stephanie Cutmore
I love this recipe that a friend of the family shared with us and it’s an easy one to follow. I have found if you do decide to grow a vegetable garden, you allways have an abundance at one time and learning new ways to store it is very helpful…

Australian Permaculture Convergence 2023 Report

by Anne Warman
The Australian Permaculture Convergence (APC) had not been held in South Australia for around 30 years. In recent times the community there has flourished, and…

Fermented Vegetables

by Araluen Hagan
When we eat fermented foods, we eat the beneficial bacteria – the probiotics – that the food contains. This is important because we need a diverse population of bacteria in our digestive system for optimal health…

Companion Planting in Australia

Reviewed by Jenny Hanna
Most plants are the happiest when grown in the company of others or sad when in the company of bad neighbours. This little book is about that…

Permaculture for food security and sovereignty

The permaculture vision of food security and sovereignty is one of communities full of food gardens, larders full of preserves and seed ready to go into garden beds irrigated by harvested rain and storm water and fertilised by the recycled wastes of the dysfunctional industrial food system…

Principles of Permaculture

by Ross Mars
While Bill Mollison and David Holmgren are both recognised as co-originators of permaculture, their seminal text Permaculture 1 did not discuss any overarching principles on which permaculture was based…